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Los Angeles, California

(559) 549-3805

The Juan Garcia Farmworker Scholarship assists students of the Central Valley who are farmworkers or children of farmworkers and who demonstrate, by hard work and academic achievement, a desire to better their lives by pursuing higher education. 



Monica Garcia

Crystal Leal

Katherine Ramirez

Emily Rodriguez

Vanessa Tapia

Alejandro Vasquez

CLASS of 2012

Jorge Cortez

Monica Ferreyra

Nancy Garcia

Hector Padilla

Joann Sanchez

CLASS of 2011

Adrian Alvarado

Daisy Duarte

Maria del Rosario Flores

Maria Padilla

Nerelin Solis

CLASS of 2010

Veronica Garcia

Maria Gomez

Esmeralda Hernandez

Oscar Saldana

Martha Sanchez

CLASS of 2009

Gabriel Duran

Ortencia Duran

Daisy Gonzalez