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Los Angeles, California

(559) 549-3805

The Juan Garcia Farmworker Scholarship assists students of the Central Valley who are farmworkers or children of farmworkers and who demonstrate, by hard work and academic achievement, a desire to better their lives by pursuing higher education. 



1) Applicants or their parents must be or have recently been farmworkers. Owners of farms are not eligible.

2) Applicants must have a 2.90 grade point average or higher.

3) Applicants must pursue a degree at a two-year college or four-year college or university.

Applications are available by clicking here for a .pdf or here for a .doc or by visiting your high school's Scholarship Coordinator's office.

Completed applications should be submitted to each student's scholarship coordinator/counselor.

Upon selection all scholarships are issued to recipients through the Reedley HS. Madera HS, or Orange Cove HS Finance Offices upon verification of enrollment at a community college, skill center, or four year university.

For more information email Maria at